In loving memory of Ayaka


I got to know Ayaka in MS since 2007 after joining the company. 

Mainly because she was also from Hyogo, she had the same sarcastic sense of humour, we got along great. 

I think we got closer after May or June in 2007 when I started confiding in her.

We started talking about small stuff at first, helped her sell her D&D prize, helped her set up her entertainment system & signed up for internet, connect to cable tv, post  up her furniture pictures for sale, went to signed up for gym to accompany her and motivate each other, invited her to my banquet food tasting session, discuss all our relationship problems, went to gym on saturdays, went to the super market, then to starbucks, made fun of Mr Onigiri together, cried on each other shoulders’, looked at cute guys together, shared alot of secrets that I didn’t expect her to carry to the grave so soon.  

She was extroverted & outgoing (although very shy in approaching guys unless she was drunk). She tried to include me in her parties but I always declined, mainly because I didn’t really like house parties and having to make small talk. She also tried to get me to go diving, so that I could be her buddy, since she knew she could trust me, but I didn’t join her as well, or else I might have been able to prevent the unfortunate incident. 

She said before as a joke that she didn’t need a bf as long as I was around,as I could handle all her IT & personal problems & was her handyman.When we (me & Ryo) finally decided to get married, she was sad but of course gave me her support. She asked me to delay leaving Singapore for as long as I could &  I did, and I did a little more on Saturday itself to push back the last day until mid-april but she wouldn’t have known as it was too late to let her know.

All that’s going around my head is all the “what ifs” that I could have done in the 2 years plus I’ve known her here to have stopped this unfortunate turn of events. 



新年会2008@Giraffe;Ayaka bought my cat ears with me in Osaka

I miss you so much.

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Number 5. I first met you on on emerald hill. You came strutting in with your beautiful shoes and crazy smile. Before long you had as all making fools of ourselves with your Osaka sense of fun. I still eat pumpkin but will only ever make monkey faces with you. Farewell Ayaka but I still hear your laugh and see your smile.

Comment by james

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